Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 Sunday CLOSED

+ 61 07 5478 9175

2 Little Main Street (cor. Margaret St), Palmwoods QLD 4555


10 Ways Exercise Boosts Your Self Confidence

All of us want to feel good about ourselves. When we are confident, we feel better emotionally and mentally.  This reflects in a very positive way in our behaviors, and improves our quality of life, with everything from personal relationships to our professional endeavors. Therefore, anything, which can help boost our self-confidence, is good for us. One of the best ways to boost your self-confidence is by exercising regularly. This not only good for self-assurance but has great health benefits. So how can exercise boost self-confidence? Here Are 10 Ways How Exercising Boosts Your Confidence Weight Control. Exercising along with healthy eating is the best way to control weight or lose weight. This is all about energy intake and energy...


Are All Calories Created Equal?

Interestingly, the calories your body takes in may not be the same as the calories your body uses. A 2500 calorie per day diet may cause some people to gain weight, while a 2500 calorie per day diet consisting of different foods may cause no weight gain or even a weight loss. It all depends on how the calories are counted and on how your body digests those calories. How Calorie Count Is Measured Calories are the units of energy we use every day to measure the food intake we eat. One calorie is the amount of energy necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius at normal atmospheric pressure. Calories In Food When we talk about calories in food, we are actually...


How Water Intake Helps You Regulate What And How Much You Eat

Weight loss can be a hard task for anyone. There're so many different elements that go into losing weight it can be like learning a whole new set of information. There is one simple thing that you can do to help regulate how much and what you eat. Drinking water is not a magical cure-all, but it may seem like it after you learn what it can do to help you regulate your eating. Water Aids Digestion Through Saliva Digestion starts with saliva. Saliva is made mostly of water. According to Everyday Health, the enzymes in saliva are the beginning of the digestive tract. These enzymes help break down food so that they can be properly digested in the stomach. Without these and times food would never...


A Look Inside the Brain During Exercise

There seems to be no end to the benefits of exercise. Humans need to move or else fall victim to what is often referred to as the 'sitting disease'. If the majority of your day is spent sitting, your overall health will suffer, it can lead to weight gain, heart disease and other serious chronic illness, as you get older. Lack of movement can lead to heart attack, stroke, and a general loss in quality of life in our senior years. Everyone agrees that exercise is physically great for the body. However, did you know that exercise also has a wide variety of benefits for the human brain? What exactly happens in our brains when we exercise to have such an impressive effect on our mental...


5 Simple Ways To Boost Your Wellness Today

You can do some simple things to ensure that you feel as fit and healthy as possible, starting today.  Here are 5 simple changes that you can make to your lifestyle to improve your overall wellness. 1. Get Some Sleep It is no secret that sleep is important.  You may have noticed that sleeping helps you to avoid that tired feeling all day, and helps you to concentrate more.  Sleep is also a chance for your body to rejuvenate, and plenty of things still go on in your body’s various systems while you sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, it’s not only highly likely that you’ll be tired the next day, but your health will suffer too. Being tired makes us emotional, stressed, limits our concentration, and will...


4 Herbs your Heart will LOVE

Heart problems such as atrial fibriliation, arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms), high or low blood pressure, angina (heart pain) and tremors are mostly treated with pharmaceutical drugs known as Beta Blockers and Calcium Channel Blockers. Beta Blockers act by blocking adrenaline receptors (norepinephrine and epinephrine) from attaching to the beta receptors located on the nerves.  Their actions then primarily reduce blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. However, they can also act to constrict air passages by stimulating the muscles that surround the air passages to contract (this is considered an adverse side effect of the drug). From a traditional medical perspective, there are quite a few really effective and safe herbs that can be of benefit to help strengthen and normalize the action of the heart.  Four of...


KAVA – Nature’s Muscle Relaxant & Anti-Anxiety Herb

In Captain Cook’s 1768 recount of his voyage in the Southern Seas, he wrote of his discovery of an intoxicating ceremonial drink prepared from Piper methysticum (better known as Kava): “the Kava first causes a numbing and then astringent effect in the mouth.  This is then followed by a relaxed, sociable state where the muscles are relaxed from the drink and fatigue and anxiety are lessened.  Eventually a deep, relaxing sleep arrives and the person that has had the kava awakes refreshed and without a hangover or any after-effects of the herb.” Given the proven anxiolytic activities of Kava root, it is most commonly used to calm anxiety, stress, restlessness and treat insomnia. It’s also used for the treatment of ADHD symptoms, epilepsy, psychosis, depression, migraines and...


Dirty Dozen List 2017 & the Clean Fifteen 2017 List

The Environmental Working Group released it’s 2017 Dirty Dozen list and it highlights the importance that there is still a lot of work to do when it comes to cleaning up the food chain. This year, the annual report found that almost 70 percent of 48 non-organic samples tested positive for at least one pesticide. (In many cases, the numbers were much higher.) And get this - a single strawberry sample harbored 20 different pesticide residues. And while spinach nutrition is loaded with calcium and vitamins, there’s one reason to always try to choose organic. Researchers found DDT, a neurotoxic insecticide banned in the U.S., in an alarming number of samples. A “Clean 15” list is also included in the report, identifying the non-organic produce least likely to be contaminated with pesticide...


Why Juices and Smoothies Aren’t As Healthy As You Think

Juices and smoothies can be healthy either as a supplement to a meal or meal replacement, but only if you know what ingredients went into making them. With store-bought smoothies and juices, there can be four issues: Portion size  As a meal replacement, 473 ml is a serving; 237 ml if drunk as part of a meal. But some smoothie lovers have portions up to 1900 ml on their menu. That is anywhere from 4 to 8 times as much as what is considered a portion. The volume is one thing, but you are also getting way more calories than you need. Added sugar  At home, you can control the amount of sugar you add, if any. Keep in mind there is naturally occurring sugar in the fruit, milk and...
