Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 Sunday CLOSED

+ 61 07 5478 9175

2 Little Main Street (cor. Margaret St), Palmwoods QLD 4555



Nature Temple / Anxiety

Are Your Symptoms Because of Adrenal Fatigue?

Feeling Overwhelmed Do you have trouble sleeping?  Do you wake in the morning feeling exhausted and flat with no motivation for the day?  Or do you drag yourself through your day, needing some type of “pick me up” in the mid-afternoon to get you through to the evening?  Then, when it’s time to go to bed and sleep do you find yourself not sleepy but actually “tired” and “wired”?   If you answered YES to any of the above questions, the chances are you are suffering from “Adrenal Fatigue”.  But don’t worry.  You’re not alone.  It is more common than you think and it IS treatable with good results!   The adrenal glands control stress.  In the presence of stress, the adrenal glands produce cortisol in response to stressors.  It...

Anxiety Solved – Nature’s Top Picks

Do you ever have constant worry niggling at the back of your mind?  Wondering if you’re ever going to get everything done?  Wondering how you’re going to meet that deadline at work, remember the numerous appointments, meetings and responsibilities of family life?  Are you constantly running the kids from ‘A’ to ‘B’ and then remembering what time to pick them up whilst also wondering what to cook for dinner, get to the shops to pick up the ingredients, take the dog to the vet, get some cleaning done and pay the bills – all in the space of 8 hours? And that’s only one small part of it. Retired people also suffer from anxiety but for a multitude of different reasons. Anxiety is not only a silent epidemic...
