Quantum Frequency Healing Therapy
What if you had access to revealing and relevant information about your body – without the need for numerous blood and pathology testing?
When nurtured with care, the body exhibits astonishing resilience for a long and healthy life.
When neglected, the body breaks down and experiences degeneration. So, how do you know if you are nurturing or neglecting your body?
What if the technology existed that would empower you with the knowledge to live your best life? Your Body is Electric Science has discovered that every cell, tissue, and organ of the body is 98% energy that resonates with a unique frequency and vibration (Brett J. Earl M.D. Psc.D iMD). Over the past 50 years, leading scientists from around the globe have cataloged thousands of Blueprint Frequencies – frequencies that are the same in every healthy human being. Nature’s Temple now has the Scan Technology developed by Solex.
We now have a current database of over 120,000 unique Blueprint Frequencies that allows you to compare your personal frequencies with our Blueprint Frequencies. We then display any variance to help you investigate further and take any corrective measures you deem necessary. Information is your resource. Education is our objective.
Our Scan Technology is noninvasive and safe.
Using a numerical range from 1 to 9, with 5 representing the Blueprint value (homeostasis), variances are generated. Lower numbers 1 – 4 indicate underactive. Higher numbers 6 – 9 indicate overactive. Responses are converted into an algorithm housed in the Innergy Cloud™ – our proprietary development space – for conversion into our corresponding 3-D graphic avatar display that is as detailed as an MRI display.
Indeed, the brilliance is in the details. We can view every organ, system, and tissue of the body and read about its role in maintaining vitality and health.
- Quick Scan – Quick variance report.
- Supplement Analyzer – Synergistic supplement review.
- Inner Voice – Intuitive harmonic synchronization.
- Vitals Scan – Targeted vitals review.
- Comprehensive – Detailed variance imaging.
- S.E.F.I – Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter.
- Sound Healing – via Accoustic BioResonance
- Colour Healing – via Colour Therapy
- Distance Healing – only current photo required
Working Principles
Information is collected by our Scan device in 3 ways:
- Bioresonance Recognition – This method utilizes a Transducer Headset positioned in front of each ear to collect the targeted information required.
- Bioresonance Comparison – This process receives resonating frequencies and then compares them to the corresponding Blueprint Frequencies and determines any variance.
- Sympathetic Vibratory Physics – This function transmits sympathetic vibration back into the body to encourage each cell, tissue, organ, and system to move toward homeostasis
Our state-of-the-art Scan Device is an elegant yet simple technology that communicates with the body via subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals that guide you toward homeostasis – the natural state of balance.
The Scan Technology comes from Russia, Germany, Spain, Asia, and the USA. This technology is based on the works of Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, and others who theorize that everything physical at its most fundamental level is actually light, energy, and frequency.
Master Quantum Living…and allow all experiences to be empowering!
Click on the links to book for your Appointment today!